I'm Sam Clothier, but most of you will know me as the Wet Mammal. I love nothing better than getting wet and earning a feed, originally from Devon, England. I have been lucky enough to call Australia home for the last ten years.
I've been spearfishing since I was 13. I love the wild and the outdoors. Videography mainly came about to show friends and family what I get up to and try to get people to reconnect with nature, highlighting its positives and the unfortunate negatives. Ultimately, if everyone knew a bit more about the world we live in, we would make better decisions in our lives to protect it.
I decided to make a website to provide more information to those who follow my adventures. YouTube has been a fantastic platform to showcase the videos I make of spearfishing, travels and adventures. It was on this platform that I discovered my love for videography, editing and filmmaking. Instagram has been a fantastic way of showing minor updates of what I get up to and where I've been. I started to include more in-depth detail on my photos, and that's why I decided to create a Facebook page.
I thought it would end with the Facebook page as it has been excellent for telling more of a story of my lifestyle and hobbies. I have managed to blend videos, photos and a hint of blogging rather well... I hope, although the reason for the creation of this site is due to lack of a search feature and having to scroll through loads of posts that might not be relevant to you.
And just like that Wet Mammal the website was born!
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Feedback is always welcome!