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Support the #SpearandClean Movement with Stylish Ocean Friendly Tees.


For every Spear and Clean Tee Sold I will personally dedicate 1 hour of my time to cleaning the ocean. Its a win for you, a win for me and a win for our ocean.


Even better I will upload a post of what was managed to be taken out of the ocean and dedicate it to the person who purchased the Tee. I will aim to do this as soon as I possibly can when the weather allows me too. 

Receive a free #SpearandClean Sticker with every Tee!

Dont forget to use the #spearandclean on Instagram and Facebook.

Support Spear and Clean Here Today

Spear and Clean

As Spearo's we spend so much time in the water and because of that we see exactly how much rubbish is in the water.


The Wet Mammal Philosophy is that as we are taking seafood from the ocean we should also take the rubbish we see... Where possible. With extra focus on things like fishing line, plastic bags, plastic bottles and well just about anything plastic. This is because if the plastic doesn't end up strangling some beautiful sea-life or inside its stomach it will break up in billions of micro plastics enter the food chain and then ultimately end up in the flesh of the seafood we enjoy to eat soo much. So if you arent doing it for the good of the ocean do it for the good of your future meals.

Ill try and show you tips and tricks on how to turn some of this ocean trash into treasure.

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